Today the city is still a vibrant hub of activity and people are attracted to it for many different reasons.
This thin doctoral thesis would ordinarily pass unnoticed outside academic circles, but it should attract wider attention for three reasons.
People are attracted to Paris for many different reasons and there is something for everyone.
The Graham case attracted a remarkable amount of national and even international attention, for many reasons.
"The script attracted me for two reasons," he says.
The museum world is failing to attract good people for many reasons.
Jonah goes to a brothel and spends the night with Lilah (Megan Fox), a prostitute attracted to the disfigured man for more than just professional reasons.
The plant has attracted attention recently for two reasons.
Foreigners are attracted to America for many reasons, but the likelihood of a job has always ranked high on the list, and still does.
The Clean Commute program attracted drivers like Mr. Hall for many reasons.