While it is not guaranteed, it is this possibility that attracts most borrowers to the endowment loan.
Increasingly, American investors' strong demand is attracting foreign borrowers.
Within these groups, it hopes to attract borrowers with nonexistent or poor credit histories, who often have trouble qualifying for other cards.
Banks are also using marketing pizzazz to try to attract new borrowers just to keep loans from falling.
Since 1982, when the market was substantially deregulated, there has been substantial innovation and diversification of strategies employed by lenders to attract borrowers.
Mr. Bush responded, "All I know is that as a director we tried to attract only quality borrowers."
Initially they will tend to offer an incentive deal to attract new borrowers.
Others wonder whether all the competition will not ultimately drive down fees and force lenders to lower their standards to attract borrowers.
Another risky aspect of these sorts of mortgages is that they attract relatively hard-pressed borrowers.
Because demand for credit is very low during a slowdown and inflation pressures are usually near their low point, lenders lower rates to attract borrowers.