In the course of time this coast has attracted adventurers of all sorts.
While he relished his fame, he also put it to good use, attracting other young adventurers to help in any cause he felt worthy.
Pakistan is home to several mountain peaks over 7000 m, which attracts adventurers and mountaineers from around the world, especially K2.
This thrilling experience brings back seasoned wakeboarding veterans and attracts new adventurers to this increasingly popular water sport.
The St. Pierre experience is likely to be remembered as another tempting case study that attracts adventurers to China in search of business.
Remakes don't, from the outset, attract artistic adventurers.
The region has attracted adventurers, explorers and exiles throughout this century.
This association naturally attracted several political adventurers, notably Moscow-trained Percy Chen.
The corporations into which they organized themselves attracted adventurers, zealots and religious and political dissidents of all ethnicities.
The vast empty spaces at the end of the world have always attracted dreamers and adventurers.