His presence there attracted leftist activists like ghouls to a graveyard.
"Every high-profile international event attracts activists and professional troublemakers of all kinds."
The group attracted several important activists to its ranks, including Samuel Hammersmark and Foster's future son-in-law, Joseph Manley.
Pankhurst made their Russell Square home into a centre for grieving sisters, attracting activists of many types.
They tend to attract "activists," meaning liberals in the Democratic Party and conservatives in the Republican Party.
The first two groups tend to be affiliated with Democratic party activists, while the third group tends to attract Republican activists.
This national conference attracts scholars, historians, collectors, social activists, and fans of the game.
It attracted young left-wing activists and Communists, in contrast to the older, established AFL leaders.
The Square often attracts activists for unconventional political factions and has its share of panhandlers.