The practice has now become widespread, with civil and criminal attorneys routinely using social scientists to help them shape the attitudes of juries.
The red light indicates that the attorney has used all the allotted time.
The attorneys there may or may not use it as evidence against you.
Constant's attorney used the defense that the professor and his wife were drunk when he committed the shooting.
Behind one partition stood a row of computer terminals, which attorneys and paraleagles used for computerized legal research.
Mr. Clarfeld's attorney, who is trustee, will use the money in the trust to pay the boys' college costs.
A prominent attorney, Marc immediately called the police and used his influence to mount a massive search.
Stockham's attorney used this new information to argue that his client was not anti-Muslim.
Most attorneys general have or use only civil enforcement.
As a law student, I have heard one too many prosecuting attorneys use these phrases, and they anger me.