The attorneys charged that the prosecution was abusing its power.
"Lewis's people manipulated the rankings," charged Bowe's attorney, Milt Chwasky.
In other Canadian provinces, an attorney may collect a percentage of recovery in case of a victory but must charge an hourly fee otherwise.
Your attorney cannot charge any additional fee for services before the court.
An attorney would charge me a hundred and twenty dollars an hour to handle it.
The two attorneys have charged that Mr. Santucci was proceeding in bad faith.
Ottensmeyer's attorneys charged violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act and litigated his right and others, to compete with the century old monopoly.
Well, almost never; it hurts to discover that your attorney has charged you several hundred dollars to type a standard computer form.
But because she didn't remember those five minutes nine years earlier, the plaintiff's attorney charged her with being part of "a conspiracy of silence."
The attorney charged that "this is one of the flimsiest and weakest cases ever to come before your Honor."