That attitude has permeated Merrill as well as the rest of Wall Street.
Ms. Moore has nothing to prove, but that slightly boastful attitude permeates this otherwise entertaining production.
This attitude permeates the entire structure.
This attitude could permeate her whole staff, who were in a unique position to play God.
This attitude is consequently permeating organizations and alert managers need to take this into account.
And his snide attitude toward conservative ideals still permeates American media culture today.
This attitude also permeates Thorson's views on personal appearance and social behavior.
It is, of course, no accident that such a brazen attitude permeates the campaign's print advertisements and outdoor posters.
These new attitudes have permeated a convention, held every two years, that is very different from those of recent decades.
These negative attitudes permeate decisions about crucial issues such as the allocation of resources, particularly the resources of skilled and experienced staff.