The changed attitude contrasts sharply with the way former Communist governments always treated the history of the murder of their Jewish citizens.
This attitude contrasts with that in the 1990s, when science faculty were required to sign a statement that they reject human descent from hominid ancestors.
Interestingly, Martinez's bubbly attitude contrasted sharply with his feelings the night before.
McCartney's attitude contrasted with Lennon's from over two decades earlier.
Interestingly, this attitude contrasts starkly with how people conduct their clinical practice or academic research.
This attitude contrasts sharply with the current advocacy of liberal arts at the undergraduate level by many business executives.
The carefree attitude about racing contrasted sharply with the intensity that precedes most professional races.
His attitude to women contrasts with that of his partner.
This corporate attitude contrasts with published expressions of "crocodile indignation" when Refac does.
His professional attitude contrasts with Wemmick's more outwardly pleasant home and personal life.