Frances Bradburn is loving every bit of the attention bestowed on her after winning the region's Mum of the Year Award.
Still, Mr. Berlin said the attention bestowed on Mr. Gore by Impac members was valuable.
Blinkie seemed a little offended by the attention bestowed upon the toy, and that she might not seem to approve the imitation cat she walked to the corner of the hearth and sat down with a dignified air.
Instead of expressing the least gratitude to Mr. S--- for the attention bestowed on her son, by some strange perversion of intellect she seems to regard him and us as his especial enemies.
Indeed, Mr. Nicholson said the attention bestowed on Hispanic voters this year would equal that lavished on "soccer moms" in 1996.
As for the warriors, they maintained a tranquil dignity of demeanour, journeying occasionally from house to house, where they were always sure to be received with the attention bestowed upon distinguished guests.
She is a beautiful person inside and out and seemed to appreciate all of the attention bestowed upon her last night.
Mark Fleisher, an associate professor of criminal justice sciences at Illinois State University, said "men who self-select for these programs" want a safe place, away from drugs and gangs, and respond well to attention bestowed upon them.
One still sees such familiar, loving attention bestowed on religious images in Japan.
"The ratio and the attention bestowed upon me affected my better judgment," Ms. Kelting added.