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The attendants pushed the stretcher, its sheets barely trailing the ground, to a door opening onto a loading dock in the prison yard.
Two white-coated attendants pushed in the trolley, followed by a Yeoman with electronic patches on his uniform.
The attendants then pushed the litters toward the hospital ship, which in proximity dwarfed even the bulky Thunderbolt.
At the rear, attendants pushed afew legless men along in wheelchairs.
At the bottom, riders got out while attendants pushed the cars up a second incline.
Water hissed through iron pipes, the high gates behind the box slammed shut and the attendants pushed the front doors open for Locke, Jean and Merrain.
An attendant of some kind pushed me end door inward.
As the attendants pushed him into the ER Martin glimpsed several policemen standing on the platform, but they didn't give him so much as a glance.
The attendant may push the button forcing all calls that would normally use the trunk to be routed to the attendant console, thus allowing the attendant to decide how to ration the remaining free trunks.
His attendants pushed past me as I entered, eager to get away.