As word spread, the original band of eight ballooned; attendance now ranges from 175 to 250 at the Hibernian Hall, the society's new meeting place in downtown Stamford.
During their most recent foray into the top flight of Scottish football, attendances frequently exceeded 6000, but in more recent years attendances have ranged between 2000 and 3000.
Between 1998 and 2002, attendance ranged from several hundred to a couple thousand.
Mr. Leavitt said attendance at Powder Ridge ranged from 50,000 to 100,000 people a season over the last 10 years, depending on snow conditions.
Announced attendance this season for the seven regular-season home games ranged from 4,875 for the 93-82 victory against St. Mary's to 6,022 for the game against Penn.
After recognition the roll was 17 boys and six girls and the attendance ranged between 10.
Last season, attendance ranged from 800 to 1,200, depending on the title.
Since 1999, attendance in the district has ranged between 1,800 to 2,050 students each year.
In recent years, attendance ranges anywhere from 1,200 to 1,900 delegates; both middle school and high school students are welcome.
Typical attendance ranged from 125 to 275 Scouts and leaders until the Great Depression.