Total attendance at baseball games dipped only slightly last year, to 22.7 million, from 23.4 million the previous season.
On-track attendance for the 24-day meeting was down 3.2 percent from last year's record totals, dipping to 661,801 over all, a daily average of 27,575.
The theater nearly closed last year when losses totaled $120,000, total debts rose to more than $300,000 and attendance dipped to a 20-year low.
During the summer season, with outdoor competition fiercer, average attendance for the 13 teams dipped about 400 fans from 2004, to 8,184 a game.
The first game played was the match between East Germany and Australia where attendance dipped to a low of only 17,000.
Because the Nets will be viewed as relatively short-term tenants, attendance could dip further.
In recent years the park's attendance has dipped due the recession, poor weather and the park now charging an admission fee.
The MetroStars, whose attendance has dipped recently, finished with the league's worst record last year.
In 2010, however, total attendance dipped 14,000 people to 1,776,211 despite setting daily attendance records on three days.
Now the team is losing and attendance is dipping.