They afford me an excuse to attend occasions where a man such as myself would not be expected.
There remain restrictions on attending festive occasions and large gatherings, especially where live music is performed.
There were more dignified ways to do this, but he hadn't attended enough full-dress occasions to become proficient at any of them.
In Bruegel's day public executions were well attended occasions which had the air of festivals or carnivals.
Earlier, an almost surrealistic comic chaos attended royal occasions.
Lord and Lady Cambridge regularly attended major royal occasions, although they did not carry out royal duties.
Coetzee usually refuses to attend such occasions.
'Mama, I am going to work, not to attend social occasions.'
Lady Mary regularly attended major royal occasions, but like her father she did not carry out royal duties.
By convention, the lieutenant governor only attends important ceremonial occasions like the swearing-in of new senators or when his vote is needed to break a tie.