She was 14 when she began attending the Krishna temple near her home.
The children attended exclusive private day schools near Reading, and their successful academic records reveal a complete absence of stress in their home lives.
Traditionally, most New York City teenagers attended high schools near their homes.
More than 8,000 people attended the first exhibition at a location near 18th and Sprague Streets.
The fund-raiser here was one of four he attended in and near Westchester County.
In Los Angeles, the police estimated that more than half a million people attended two demonstrations in and near downtown.
Harris attended the schools near his home.
That night, he attended a town meeting about vandalism near Starbucks, which is frequented by local teenagers, and the need for more police activity downtown.
From there he attended a business college near Montreal for two years.
Most of the soldiers attended state colleges and community colleges near their bases.