The children, therefore, attend schools in the district.
The school serves students ranging in age from 13 to 22 who have severe disabilities and are unable to attend other high schools in the district.
Those students still living in the area were forced to attend other schools in the district that were at times, ten to fifteen miles away.
If an appeal is filed, the children would very likely be able to attend school in the district as scheduled.
Most of those children attend school in the district that serves the family's temporary shelter or the district in which the family had lived.
Rejon, Regis and Behl-Hoge also asked to see records about their children when they attended school in the district.
Since he started attending school in the district, Brandon, a fifth grader, now does his homework without his mother nudging him.
At least four children weren't returning to their home schools, choosing to attend a school elsewhere in the district or in another district.
He began attending the functions of virtually every Dominican and Hispanic organization in the district.
Pupils attending the secondary school or a professional school in the district of Osnabrück can apply for being a part of the jury.