That night she attended a black-tie wedding at a country club in New Jersey.
Whatever propelled them to attend a performance in New Jersey was, simply and obviously, that old reliable - word of mouth.
Lake joined his father's foundry business after attending public schools in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Carpenter attended an engineering college in New Jersey where he completed his studies.
However, following his parents' divorce the children moved back to the United States and Holt attended school in New Jersey.
Stewart attended The Lawrenceville School in New Jersey, class of 1950.
It turned out that the two men had attended the same private high school in New Jersey as Ms. Whitney's former husband.
She also attended schools in New Jersey, Iran and Paraguay.
They later attended some of her fights in New Jersey and supported her decision.
And for some college students, the cuts enacted by the Legislature may well decide whether they will attend school in New Jersey.