Born on a plantation in Prince Georges County, Maryland, Clarke attended grammar and high schools.
Making Stockton his adoptive city, Budd attended local grammar and high schools before attending the University of California, Berkeley, where he was admitted to the Zeta Psi fraternity, graduating in 1873.
Tresca attended primary, grammar, and high school in Italy.
Sleeper attended grammar, or perhaps high school, at The Old Academy, located on West 2nd Street between Fulton and Franklin Streets in Chester.
He went on to attend grammar and secondary schools, finally receiving a Ph.D. at the Cochabamba University.
Ms. Cox was born in Newark and raised in Union, N.J., where she attended grammar and high schools.
Weisbord attended primary, grammar, and high school in Brooklyn, New York.
He moved to Washington, D.C., at an early age where he attended grammar and high school.
Another problem was that whether or not you had attended grammar mattered in itself.
Born the daughter of Harry Clay Pendleton and Nettie (Coward) Pendleton, she was reared in Piedmont, California, attending both grammar and high schools there, graduating from the Mary Wallace School, a private Piedmont grammar/high school for girls, in June of 1947.