To the other slaves he said, "Attend closely!
The Indians' strategy, diplomacy and unorthodox military tactics are the chief focus of this program, which attends closely to their considerable role in the war.
As a source of gossip himself he'd always attended closely to what was said about others.
He took an active but not a leading part in nearly every debate of his time, and closely attended to all parliamentary duties.
But James's inability to attend closely to official business exposed the government to factionalism.
He was usually a quiet, pleasant man, who attended closely to his duties, and was a good deal of a gentleman.
Attend closely, please: "For many years, as you know, everything progressed smoothly.
Among other things, social network analyses are now applied to political, professional, military, and other closely attended subject matters.
Such funds by definition have many constituent stocks, and so cannot closely attend to any particular holding.
Even so, it would be a disservice to the country if Mr. Clinton's policy statements are not closely attended to.