He was well enough in February, however, to attend a poetry reading at the Institute of Contemporary Arts; but it was not a pleasant occasion.
About two dozen Zulu Nation members attended the Wednesday night meeting at the nearby National Black Theater's Institute of Action Arts, participants said.
In 1964, all students entering college in Ghana were required to attend a two-week "ideological orientation" at the Institute.
He also attended a six-week course in 1931 in German language, art, painting and architecture at the Institute for Foreigners at the University of Berlin.
In 1949, Zellweger attended a summer seminar at the Institute of General Semantics with Alfred Korzybski.
His top priority is a Bible study he attends three days a week at the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research.
In addition to this, Tagle also attended doctrinal courses at the Institute of Pope Paul VI University.
After graduation, she attended the Ulm School of Design at the Institute for filmmaking.
Union meetings Chifley attended at the Institute helped to shape his Labour convictions.
After graduating, Messori attended courses at the Institute of Christology at Assisi.