However, his every attempt to heal the breakup and to see her fails.
Huff failed to do so but his second attempt at turn seven saw him lead the race.
If you make any attempt to see her I'll arrange another accident.
Attempts to begin a university were planted back in 1855 but it wasn't until 1865 when those attempts saw any real fruition.
For years I have had an interest in phenomenology, the attempt to get behind, understand and interpret the way others see the world.
Another attempt in November 2007 saw a flight time greater than seven hours.
I neither asked the girl's name nor did I make any attempt to see her face.
His attempt in 2002 saw him fall in the last eight to Colin Monk.
An attempt, you see, to build a perfect ship.
There have already been two drafts; this third attempt at a European Constitution must see the light of day.