I would like to attempt negotiations one more time.
After first attempting negotiations with Awashonks, they petitioned the Plymouth Colony, which granted them their charter.
As the tempest grew, Runciman concluded that there was no point in attempting further negotiations until after Hitler's speech.
Harriet attempts further negotiations with the Sycorax, and is surprised to find herself and her staff transmatted aboard the ship.
They're hollerin' for vengeance and all that sort o' thing, but we've persuaded 'em to attempt negotiations.
Arriving off Tripoli on the 22nd, the squadron remained there attempting negotiations with the Bashaw.
Both during and after the expeditions of Serpa Pinto and Capelo, the Portuguese government attempted bi-lateral negotiations with Britain.
Żółkiewski decided to attempt negotiations with the enemy, with significant success.
I have the good luck to be employed as a kind of shuttle diplomat, carrying messages and attempting negotiations among various contending parties in the West today.
Chaworth was to attempt negotiations for Spain's withdrawal from the Rhine Palatinate, and subsequently to negotiate a treaty with Spain.