"Perhaps it would have been best to attempt the commlink after all."
My men and I seek to complete our commission before we have attained too great an age to attempt others after it.
Each individual pledged also that they would not use their control of the military to attempt and remain in power after the two year period.
Pryor was attempting a comeback after an admitted problem with cocaine.
All of these things I attempted for the first time after the age of 50.
He attempted a political comeback in the early 1990s after the end of the communist regime.
Bruce attempted a comeback in 1993, after several years out of the pool.
Although he knows better than to attempt such things after dark, Ralph does it.
Johnson made the shot anyway, and then hit a free throw for a 3-point play, but he attempted only one shot after that.
He claims Ann attempted suicide once before in the early 1970's, after the breakup of her first marriage.