Students earn over 30 semester hours of college credit while attaining the knowledge and skills associated with installing, operating, and maintaining large medium voltage electrical power plants.
This would also require these countries to develop an environment which will provide rewarding opportunities for those who have attained the knowledge and skills from overseas.
Each year, the state conducts a series of tests (called assessments) to evaluate the progress students are making in attaining essential content and skills.
Another feature of India's secondary school system is its emphasis on profession based vocational training to help students attain skills for finding a vocation of his/her choosing.
The school has a counselling team that helps students attain social skills.
Students will attain sector-identified preparatory credits, skills, and knowledge, and make informed career decisions.
The school offers learning through the distance education mode, which is a viable alternative for students who need a flexible medium of instruction to attain higher education and vocational skills.
There are new job-training programs to help them attain skills.
Within the domains, learning at the higher levels is dependent on having attained prerequisite knowledge and skills at lower levels.
Its headquarters are in Leeds, UK, and it attempts to give small businesses a platform to attain necessary skills from established entrepreneurs .