Often the usefulness of the item is not immediately apparent until it suddenly attains pivotal significance.
Hydrocolloids have attained commercial significance, especially in food production as food additives.
Though only four rats were studied, Dr. Wilson and other scientists said the number was sufficient to attain statistical significance.
The association attained statistical significance only for white wine when we entered red and white wine intake variables simultaneously.
Hydrocolloids have attained commercial significance as food additives.
These organic bodies of water have attained religious significance not from the modern alteration or blessing, but were sanctified through mythological or historical figures.
With the advent of the Europeans the city has attained national and international significance.
Hunt has attained great significance because of the manner in which it built upon the principles first expressed in Morguard.
Puppet and marionette theater also attained great artistic significance, often staging satirical shows on contemporary social issues.
Billabongs attained significance as they held water longer than parts of rivers and it was therefore important for people to name these areas.