He had attained international renown, but even then he was popularly regarded mainly as a teller of colorful adventures and sea stories.
He never attained national renown like Costas.
He attained renown for his actions against a rebellion caused by the murder of Macdonald of the Indian civil service in 1832.
Through an acting career that spanned 57 years, Wray attained international renown as an actress in horror movie roles.
Metcalf's school flourished for several decades, attaining renown as a private school of high quality.
The press agent was S. N. Behrman, who went on to attain renown as a playwright.
Kolář endured harassment and imprisonment, and eventually emigrated to France, where he was finally able to attain international renown for his work.
With government patronage, the Biharis quickly seized the opportunity to make these centres flourish quickly and attain renown.
A profound and prolific painter, his works have attained international renown.
Instead, they hope to profit from their intellectual output by attaining tenure and renown.