The defense was beaten, yet the attackers had withdrawn.
Then the attackers withdrew to their initial positions with eight galleys about to sink and many damaged.
Horns blew from the Tsurani lines, and the attackers withdrew.
At least two men died - one on each side, according to the Mayor - and several were wounded before the attackers withdrew.
The attackers withdrew hastily after concluding they were vulnerable to being ambushed and cut off.
The firefight lasted between 15 and 20 minutes, before the attackers withdrew, officials said; three of them were seen leaving in a vehicle.
This means that those platforms, in addition to Chrome (which also had its attacker withdraw), are so far undefeated.
Two officers were captured and one killed before Edwards succeeded in forcing the attackers to withdraw.
The French assault failed and the attackers withdrew.
The Americans were outnumbered, and after Scorpion had been hit 12 times the attackers withdrew.