At least one attacker approached the stalled car and fatally shot everyone inside at close range, the military added.
This attacker would approach lone women in the countryside, and beat them on the buttocks with a birch rod.
The attackers approached the family on foot and fled immediately after shooting.
The crucial time for the Z-13 would arrive when the attacker approached within 3000 miles.
The attacker first approached the woman on the train, and she argued with him and tried to get away, missing her stop, the police said.
As the attackers breached one line of defense after another and approached the central computer where his mentality was stored, the former surgeon became desperate.
For a person to attack another hand-to-hand, the attacker must approach the target.
Thus "twelve o'clock high" meant the attacker was approaching from directly ahead and above.
The attackers then apparently approached the building.
According to witnesses, the attackers then "approached the car" and shot the occupants in their seats at "close range."