The attacks triggered a number of military organizations around the world to reconsider the importance of network security to modern military doctrine.
The attack triggered rioting across much of Northern India.
The attack triggered swirling clashes, leaving 32 protesters and police officers injured, the national Yonhap news agency said.
But a local security official said an attack on a security checkpoint in the town triggered the violence.
As was the case with very few of the parasite's victims, the attack triggered his metagene, granting him superhuman abilities.
Yes, however, reports now are that the attack somehow triggered a series of quakes across the planet's main landmass.
Nonetheless, the attempted attack triggered an alliance between Athens and Thebes.
To present a credible deterrent, there must be the assurance that any attack would trigger a retaliatory strike.
Article 6 explicitly mentions the Mediterranean Sea as a location for where attacks will trigger responses.