He is very good in defense, but lacks the attack strength of the barbarian and has no magical abilities.
He is equal in attack strength to the dwarf, but is able to use one element's spell - air, earth, fire, or water magic.
Each card has a number value determining its attack strength, with multiple cards combining to increase the overall value.
She is a mobility force with a typical attack strength for her gender, the so-called balanced type.
Units may also have different levels of attack strength or range.
While in archer form he has reasonable attack strength but lacks the speed of Legolas.
Enhancements may be used on characters to boost attack strength or defence.
Rolling the die determines the attack strength of both characters.
Redapeds: have the best jumping ability and tend to resemble birds, however, their attack strength is lower than average.
Each unit has numbers showing its attack strength, defense strength, movement allowance and target type.