The crowd became angry and began attacking reporters and photographers and throwing rocks and bottles at the police.
Now his bitter attacks on press critics are widely believed to have spurred misguided loyalists to physically attack reporters.
Angered, the guards attacked reporters who arrived on the scene.
"That's not too surprising, since all they've seen is one candidate attacking the other and reporters attacking both."
Partisans now attack reporters for being too timid to expose the lies and hidden designs of their adversaries.
When the municipality removed a sign asking women to stay away from a synagogue, hundreds of Haredi men staged riots in which they attacked police officers and reporters.
Mr. Ferrell said, adding that the Jackal has been attacking reporters for 11 years.
In Hungary, Right-wing extremists attacked reporters at a recent rally, shouting: 'Go home to Israel.'
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists says that security forces attacked reporters in several instances in Nigeria last year.
Attacking the press is in this year - President Bush, Governor Clinton and Ross Perot have eagerly attacked reporters at one time or another.