The charge was originally used to attack politicians for advocating contradictory policies, often during elections, and frequently while denying the self-contradiction.
I combine a stripped-down image with a one-liner to attack politicians and bureaucrats who have abused their power.
He attacked monarchs, paupers, politicians, clerics and elements of the established order.
Other committee members attacked local politicians who have joined the protesters, terming their positions an abdication of responsibility.
He also attacks politicians of the same period who achieved honors through the power of money rather than through merit.
He attacked politicians and homosexuals in his writings.
She also attacks the legal system and roasts judges and politicians by name.
He had a TV show in which he attacked communism, the students' movement and progressive politicians.
Isn't this the season to attack politicians?
He gained notoriety with his political prints that attacked the royal family and leading politicians.