"My client feels that someone was after money and that people of high calibre get attacked on issues like this," he said.
Grillo is criticized as being a mere demagogue who attacks politicians on superficial issues and their private lives while unable to provide a valid alternative.
Hadden has gained a reputation as something of a political maverick, having publicly attacked her own party on several issues.
But more often, she attacks him on issues.
Their aides said they intended to attack Mr. Bush's record on issues like judicial appointments, poverty and unemployment.
The other ads showed a foolish-looking Mr. Bush and attacked his record directly on issues such as education and drugs.
Attacking the president on war-related issues is nearly risk-free for him, those officials say, because his Vietnam experience makes it difficult to impugn his patriotism.
He called for civility in politics, but sharply attacked Democrats for their positions on issues like terrorism and the government's eavesdropping program.
And yet how do you attack a President with the best record ever on issues related to women?
And he attacked Mr. Thornburgh's record on issues concerning the elderly.