Mares were the preferred war horse of the Moors, the Islamic invaders who attacked various European nations from AD 700 through the 15th century.
These smaller countries are distinct from the barbarian nation, and do not normally attack major nations unless attacked first.
As he himself recalled, the request was refused by Romanian politicians, who stated that they wished to avoid attacking other Christian nations.
Like theirGerman allies, they seemed to specialize in attacking small, defense-less nations that had done them no harm.
We must not let this happen again - Japan has repeatedly attacked nations without warning and against international law, and Germany has done it, too.
Many navies in the region are buying newer and better-armed ships, though none have yet acquired formidable fleets capable of attacking other nations far from their shores.
Those nations are the only ones in recent history to pre-emptively attack other nations with impunity.
I mean right now it looks like we're prejudiced or something, only attacking nations with dark-skinned, non-Christian people.
The army was very large because Hitler as wanted to attack other nations.
"Hitler sought pretexts to attack other nations," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by the ISNA students news agency at the inauguration of a Tehran road tunnel.