But while school officials said that such assaults remain a rare occurrence, three other sexual attacks in the last six days has heightened public concern.
The attack may heighten fears that with spring approaching and American attention elsewhere, violence could rise in Jammu and Kashmir, India's only Muslim majority state.
The terrorist attacks have significantly heightened uncertainty in an economy that was already weak.
As the attacks by social conservatives heighten, the governor does not hesitate to defend his view on abortion rights.
Crenshinibon's attack heightened; the fiend's great legs buckled.
"The terrorist attacks have significantly heightened uncertainty in an economy that was already weak," the Fed said in the statement announcing its decision.
The attacks of September 11 and the recent anthrax cases have heightened long-standing concerns about the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Last week's attack on Miraflores has only heightened their doubts.
The attacks of Sept. 11 reminded us of the importance of family and heightened our appreciation for public services.
The Iraqi attack on the frigate Stark last May heightened the concern.