I was just pointing out that the you worded your analogy left it open to attack from acute angles.
Delbert does not fully comprehend this, and he's not bright enough to attack from different angles.
They attacked from several angles, using strategies Killeen and the others could not even understand.
No single approach works for everyone, and you may need to try a few strategies at once to attack the problem from different angles.
The university was attacked from multiple angles, but government troops managed to retain their positions at the university by the end of the day.
In this letter, Leibniz attacked the problem from several angles.
"It is good to have several drugs which can attack the problem from different angles," Dr. Poltera said.
"We've been working on attacking from angles and getting in close," Turner said.
Over and over, they pushed and pulled, attacking the task from different angles - and failed.
The agenda does not assume that there is just one effective method for combating poverty, but aims to attack poverty from different angles.