Douglass believed that the attack on federal property would enrage the American public.
The attacks in the North enraged the French, and they demanded Phan be arrested, but the Chinese government refused.
In a series of meetings with Mr. Annan, Arab leaders argued that an American attack on Iraq could enrage the public and destabilize their entire region.
There was a feeling that any strong attack on local customs,practice and beliefs or religious ideas might enrage "native" opinion.
The attacks have enraged the colonists.
(The attacks on his wife particularly enraged Jackson, as Rachel was sick and died soon after the election.)
In a statement, Mr. Clinton said the attack "enrages all Americans."
Its attacks on the Catholic establishment for corruption and other forms of immorality enraged the Vatican, which eventually ordered a punitive crusade.
The attacks enraged Hitler, who ordered retaliatory attacks on London.
The attacks, which leveled villages and left more than 80 people dead, most of them civilians, enraged a population that had been content to fight Belgrade through peaceful means.