An American attack could otherwise backfire and nurture more Islamic extremists, he has warned.
The attacks backfired and many voters still unhappy with the former governor decided to support the Democratic nominee.
However, attacks on workers or their leaders could also backfire.
He disturbed her powers trying to control her but she fled when his attack backfired.
But the attack backfired when Hitachi countersued with its own charge of infringement.
One attack on Gordon Brown backfired at around this time.
But attacks based on inaccuracies could easily backfire, exposing him to charges of dishonesty.
One military affairs expert said the attack could backfire on those who had planned it.
The others used euphemisms, usually the phrase "new leadership," apparently fearful that a direct attack on the Mayor might backfire.
Some advisers worried that his President-turned-politician attack would backfire.