Some years later, Helgo attacked Sweden and captured Yrsa, not knowing that she was his own daughter.
Some years later, Helgo attacked Sweden and captured Yrsa.
Frederick III saw this as an opportunity to recover the territories lost in 1645 and attacked Sweden.
Although being numerically superior, the Swedish forces lost at Fehrbellin, which led to Denmark being encouraged to attack Sweden.
Russia attacked Sweden in July 1656 when Sweden was deeply involved with its situation in Poland.
Some years later, Helgo attacked Sweden and captured Yrsa, whom he raped.
Danish plans to attack Sweden during the winter of 1808-1809 were not realized due to bad weather; Ewald was to have been in the vanguard.
Denmark was itself poorly prepared for the war, and Norway was reluctant to attack Sweden, which left the Swedes in a good position.
Whereupon all five countries attacked Sweden from several directions.
The Winterberger shooters repulsed therefore attacking Hessen and Sweden successfully.