Republicans have responded with advertisements attacking Democrats for raising taxes and as being weak on national security.
The governor inflamed tensions with the Legislature this month when he personally attacked local Democrats over the issue during his budget tour.
Republican Party officials in several states have released statements attacking Democrats who are not expected to vote for the amendment.
Yesterday, Republicans had already begun to attack Democrats as tools of the teacher unions.
He had punctuated his career by attacking Democrats, and a very rare Republican or two, for alleged corruption.
He has attacked fellow Democrats in the Assembly, sometimes in their own districts.
He called for civility in politics, but sharply attacked Democrats for their positions on issues like terrorism and the government's eavesdropping program.
"Isn't there something sort of unsavory" about attacking Democrats "who voted their conscience?"
Over the last decade, Republicans have lost the defining issues that they used for generations to attack Democrats and motivate their own supporters.
The focus is shifting as other senior members of the administration have been attacking Democrats over the war and national security in general.