I had no authority to attack China in retaliation for attacking Taiwan.
A spokesman called the accusation part of a "propaganda campaign" and "just some video footage pieced together from different sources to attack China."
Mansur tried to attack China in 1524 with 20,000 men, but was beaten by Chinese forces.
Freedom of speech, one of the most important chips used by America to attack China, now been undermined by themselves.
Japan attacked China in 1937 and they tried to finish the Mainland Policy.
You mean the Koreans attacked China with nuclear weapons!
Yi's job was to attack China.
Later, Mao wonders if Washington wants Moscow to attack China.
Getting to the meat of the lesson, the teacher said Japan decided to pursue its own longtime desire for a continental empire, and attacked China.
The total has now reached approximately 360 launchers, of which two-thirds threaten western Europe (the rest are in the east, to attack China and Japan).