If not, you will have to remove one of the parting strips (the molding attached vertically in the center of each jamb to separate the window tracks).
There were four groups of symbols, each with a square at the top, falling into a more elaborate group of boxes below, attached vertically and occasionally horizontally by lines.
Multiple decks are screen decks placed in a configuration where there are a series of decks attached vertically and lean at the same angle as it preceding and exceeding decks.
The boards interlock side by side and are meant to be attached vertically.
The barn on the property is constructed of wood siding attached vertically to the frame.
The phenakistoscope used a spinning disc attached vertically to a handle.
For instance, where the ends of adjustable shelves butt against the vertical sides of cabinets, wide edging can be attached vertically to the cabinet's sides to conceal the seam, as shown in the illustration.
The puppets are attached vertically at the end of long rods that are operated by puppeteers who stand in water up to their hips.
Bell scales are unique to each bell and are usually attached vertically with a needle-like pointer.
They had the chainsaw attached vertically to a solid platform and were using it as a band saw to slice raw timber into planks.