Banks groaned, stretched and made some of the strong Greek coffee he had become so attached to during his first week on the island.
Collins was attached to a parish in Florida during that period.
Only later, in early 1916, would such a device be actually attached during experiments.
The specialized tank destroyer unit was attached to various organizations during the war.
An abortion is not so simple," she said, "and a woman has nine months to become attached to her baby during the pregnancy.
The northern side of the house once had wing attached to it during the medieval period but this no longer exists.
It then discusses Ike, dog that became attached to him during a hunting trip.
Her own marriage is believed to have been happy, and the couple became strongly attached to each other during the years of succession struggle.
Is it any coincidence that this protocol was attached during the Spanish presidency and forced through?
Thus, since 2001 calls for proposals have attached great importance to the durability of projects during the evaluation process.