Oh, as air attache, he routinely talked to Japanese military men, many of whom were personal friends.
He returned to Washington in 1944 as air attache with the rank of colonel.
An air attaché typically represents the chief of his home air force in the foreign country where he serves.
He then went to Rome as Air Attaché in 1937.
"Gentlemen," said the American air attaché, "my government has asked to meet with you to explain a new development in missiles, a nuclear warhead."
From then until 1946, he was Air Attaché in Tehran.
The Air Attaché, lounging by the window looking down into the street, stiffened to attention.
After the war, he was posted as an Air Attaché to Norway in 1946.
The Air Attaché looked after him, and laughed.
In 1970 he was appointed Air Attaché to Washington.