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Oh, as air attache, he routinely talked to Japanese military men, many of whom were personal friends.
He returned to Washington in 1944 as air attache with the rank of colonel.
He considered calling it"into the American air attache office, then thought better of it.
He is now air attache at the Israeli Embassy in Washington.
Herzlya was known as the air attache ghetto.
"The Air Attache will call from Moscow when his talks have been concluded.
"We had an air attache on board the Tupolev,' said Clayson.
He later served in Bulgaria as the Air Attache.
Tom Richardson, the air attache.
His diplomatic cover job was Assistant Air Attache.
For a time Tinker was the air attache to the US embassy in London.
Soviet Air Attache visited set.
In 1947 Pouyade became president Vincent Auriol's air attache, a post which he held for three years.
It was the German Air Attache who was the brains of the party and he had got away with two armed comrades.
"Not from the Air Attache's office," Shafik replied.
We have our Air Attache in Moscow sitting down with their people right now," General Moore said.
He was sent in April 1920 to The Hague as assistant air attache, with observer duties in berlin.
Tom Richardson, the U.S. air attache, stepped in at the moment Laskov heard the bedroom door close behind him.
It was the German Air Attache, Captain von Ziegler.
Garfield also rented the house to the Ecuador Embassy and later to the British Embassy's air attache.
Piccio returned to being the Air Attache in Paris, remaining in that post until 15 November 1925.
But if Mazar is correct about our American air attache ichardson then the Americans owe us one, I think.'
'Yes; our comrades would inflict pretty sweeping penalties for the loss of an Air Attache and a Staff-Colonel.
The prime minister agreed and the embassy air attache"and the prime ministers assistant flew up to northern Iran carrying the payroll.
He was then appointed Chief of Air Staff in August, but didn't give up his Air Attache's job.