This is its function as part of the pastoral care attached to Anselm's office.
In addition, there are several other offices attached to the Secretary's office:
It is attached to a doctor's office and next to the Quad 1 pool.
Luckily, there was more in the freezer in the small apartment attached to his office.
Or rather, based in London, working for a colonel attached to the adjutant general's office.
He preferred, however, a quiet life of research in Paris, although there was but a modest salary attached to his office.
Stetson said: "I'm to be attached to your office as a special executive assistant.
You're still attached to my office - that's a direct order.
A television is attached to a wall in the visitors' clubhouse here, just above the door to the manager's office.
Her friend Link had been attached to the Governor's office.