Without the clear vestiges of atrophied legs, it could have been a dung beetle with the legs torn off.
Without elevation, blood circulates downward but has trouble returning to the heart, causing blood to settle throughout most of the lower half of his atrophied leg.
The disease left him with an atrophied leg and a permanent limp on his walk, which prevented him from playing.
He saw his father, naked, with his atrophied legs, crawling on the floor, trying to scratch the cement with his nails.
Wearing a brace to stiffen his atrophied leg, he began to ride Seabiscuit again, first at a walk and later at a trot and canter.
The silence is broken only by the boy's sputtering breaths and the flopping noise his sister's atrophied legs make when they fall, like those of a rag doll, upon the mattress.
Martin stripped off two hip-to-foot compression stockings, revealing an atrophied right leg that he said has not seen the sun in 10 years.
Ti Malice's atrophied legs kicked feebly at Blaise's face as it moved off the boy and onto Jay.
It has small atrophied legs.
Hervé Paillet (born 1968) is a French actor and painter born with atrophied legs.