The light being detuned with respect to the atomic transitions, atoms undergo a space-periodic conservative force.
The same atomic transition of sodium is used to create bright yellow street lights in many cities.
It is also known as atomic transition, quantum jump, or quantum leap.
In astronomy an etalon is used to select a single atomic transition for imaging.
His doctoral thesis on atomic transitions has been a reference for many generations of students of astrophysics.
The idea of using atomic transitions to measure time was first suggested by Lord Kelvin in 1879.
This way, the detected amount of atoms will relate to the ability to match the atomic transition.
The dipole approximation has been assumed, and for this to remain valid the electric field must be near resonance with the atomic transition.
The Holeum's atomic transitions cause it to emit gravitational radiation.
The emitted light thus signals the excitation of the atomic transition.