The individual atoms appear to be gigantic, each with hundreds of protons and neutrons.
Each formula is considered to be a clique, and the Markov blanket is the set of formulas in which a given atom appears.
The atoms appear as a glowing sphere about 1 millimeter in diameter.
A single atom of the original molecule may appear in many places (some as ghosts, some not) in the tree.
Ordering is the regularity in which atoms appear in a predictable lattice, as measured from one point.
In this case, the relativistically moving excited atoms in the jets appear to vibrate more slowly and their radiation thus appears red-shifted.
Quietly and without fuss, atoms of metal rearranged themselves and appeared as nitrogen, to mix harmlessly with the air.
Once trapped, an argon-39 atom appears as a bright dot on a sensitive video camera.
The atoms, magnified a billion times, appear as "hills" on a silicon crystal.