He felt that the six adventure episodes "all boast a wealth of imaginative and atmospheric detail as well as numerous hooks for developing adventures at tangents to the one described".
In the postproduction phase, in concert with Laumont Digital in Manhattan, he will correct atmospheric details and add "live" items like moths, butterflies and bubbles.
The validity of this record is analysed/undermined in mathematical and atmospheric detail by J.C. Ferranti.
But his use of atmospheric detail is so precise that "All I Could Get" is more engaging than might be expected, even if it presents an open-and-shut case.
But Mr. Akunin and his translator, Andrew Bromfield, choose also to amplify the racial stereotypes of the era as an extra form of atmospheric detail.
Alain Cavalier was careful at pre-production stage to immerse himself not only in data, but also in visual and atmospheric detail.
Certainly, "Heathen Valley" would benefit from such atmospheric detail as could be provided in a novel or in a film, and one could envision a more expansive staging.
It was written and directed by the star's husband, Carl Wallnau, who seems to have done his homework and whose script provides some atmospheric historical detail.
Advances in telescope construction and instrumental resolution gradually allowed increased identification of the atmospheric and surface details of the planets.