Then go past San Andrés church and through to Plaza de la Paja, where the medieval atmosphere contrasts with the lively vibe at the pavement cafés.
It was one of the very few youth-oriented TV shows behind the Iron Curtain whose liberated atmosphere contrasted with the usual ideological indoctrination of the programming.
The hush-hush atmosphere in Moscow today contrasted to Dr. DeBakey's arrival six weeks ago when he spoke to reporters before he examined Mr. Yeltsin.
The atmosphere contrasted with the previous day's, when the appearance of his wife, Linda Pugach, brought a giddy mood to the hallways in Criminal Court.
This atmosphere contrasts with the later Ottoman mosques (see for example the works of Suleiman the Magnificent's chief architect Mimar Sinan.)
The circus-like atmosphere of the debate in Moscow contrasted with grim economic news.
The ominous atmosphere in East Berlin contrasts sharply with the anodyne official picture presented by the GDR media.
The buoyant atmosphere at the ceremony contrasted with growing concern over how the arts will fare when the financially strapped state draws up its new budget.
The atmosphere, which always includes coffee, doughnuts and lively conversation, contrasts not only with her hospital, Ms. Burdusis said, but also with her support group.
Today's atmosphere of mutual antagonism contrasts sharply with the period that followed the decision by the former foreign secretary Robin Cook to restore relations with Tehran as part of New Labour's ethical foreign policy.